Two truths One lie

Do you remember the two truths one lie assignment? I do, so I am going to try it again but this one will be easier than my last, please comment down below which paragraph you think is the lie.

I love animals but sometimes they can give us a scare so here are some encounters I have had. My first encounter was when I was little my sister loved snake and she would pick them up I on the other hand was not very fond of them. One day I went outside, and she was waiting for me. She was holing a snake so I would back up when she got closer then she cornered me with a guarder snake. I screamed as she was laughing so hard as I was terrified.

My next encounter has to do with chickens. This was more funny then scary, my dad was butchering chickens and what he did was when he butchered them he would get us to come outside. Then he would cut off their heads and let them run around. I was little and thought it was funny but now I just think it is sorta gross. After he actually butchered them me and my brother would play with the chicken gizzards.

My last encounter involves frogs. Me and my brother were playing in the dugout at my grandparents farm and we were swimming. My grandma was watching us, we ended up finding some frogs. So my grandma said we should stay still and they might swim near us. We were as still as a little kid can be in duck weed, so my brother trying to stay still grabbed the duck weed and made himself a beard accidentally he scooped up a frog. I watched as he tried to catch it but by the time he found it it had disappeared into the murky water.



Summer post

There are 15 more days of school and I am so excited for summer. I have already started planning my new school supplies they are gonna be watermelon themed so that in school it will feel all summery. I know summery is probably not a word but… I’m still gonna use it. Speaking of words over the summer I am going to learn a new language french, so I can speak pretty fluent in french. I am also going to learn weird words like flabbergasted. I need some new ideas of what I should do in summer so if you know some that are out of the ordinary comment down below. |                                                                                                                                                                                                                    \/

Di don’t

So in the world of crafts there are DI doos and DI don’ts. I know those are not real words but they do mean something. DIY is do it yourself, which implies do it. DI don’ts are you should not do it. My DI don’t is marble nails, you may have seen them online. Well this is almost impossible to pull off, it says put drops of nail polish in a glass of water then swirl the different colors together and dip your nail in it. It is super messy and all it accomplishes is filthy looking nails. Please comment below if you’ve tried this and got the same or different results.

New and Old School

I am writing this post to inform the public of me leaving. In grade 7 I will no longer be attending Hawrylak but I will be moving back to my old school. So It will be my new and old school. I will miss this class very much and I will try to keep in touch. 🙁

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